Mean vector

  • Statistical simulation of the mean vector of two variables with R-Project

    x<- c(88,80,83,84,78,62,82,85,80,84,80,62)
    y<- c(300,302,316,330,300,250,300,340,315,330,310,243)
    [1]  79 303

  • Statistical simulation of the mean vector of two variables with Mathematica

    x := {88, 80, 83, 84, 78, 62, 82, 85, 80, 84, 80, 62};
    y := {300, 302, 316, 330, 300, 250, 300, 340, 315, 330, 310, 243};
    m := {Mean[x], Mean[y]}
    {79.`, 303.`}